Friday, May 4, 2012

6 Secrets to Hiring and Retaining Great Employees

I ran across this article I think it's perfect for what is needed in in IT industry.... Specially in Chile.

Drupal Connect's founder John Florez drives the fast growth of his company by stacking his team with top tier talent. Here’s what he looks for when hiring for his Drupal development company and how he keeps them excited about coming in each day.

1- Hire Awesome Personalities
Hire people who are not only awesome talents, but awesome to be around as well! You're building a team; each member has to be able to work well within a collaborative environment. Hiring someone who is talented but a "lone wolf" is a risky and potentially costly endeavor.

2- Positive People Are Contagious
Hire cool people who have a positive outlook on life. The employee you want to take on is someone you can share a beer with at the end of the day. Positive attitudes spread, and ultimately come to define your company as a whole.

3- Keep People Excited About Work
Be a leader who is welcoming and positive, and sees the best in each of their employees. This attitude will trickle down and make for a more positive work experience overall. People want to wake up each morning excited about coming to work. It's important for a leader to create an environment and culture that people are proud and excited about.

4- Don’t Nickel-and-Dime Your Employees
Be mindful of the bottom line – but not at the expense of nickel-and-diming! These are tough times for a lot of people out there. But let's face it: no one wants to work for a cheap boss.

5- Coach Your Leaders
Coach your leaders, but don't manage them. If you find yourself managing your top people, you're doing something wrong. You're not inspiring, and you're therefore not bringing out the best in your lead employees. If you properly coach your leaders by bringing out their best qualities, they will in turn coach those reporting to them.

6-Avoid Stagnation
Make constant growth a priority, and encourage your team to contribute to this evolution. Your company is a living, breathing organism that needs to be fed and nurtured, and employees need to be able to contribute to this growth process. For example, six months ago, a team member suggested we create a support and maintenance program to offer to our clients. Today, this program is a thriving and growing part of our company, accounting for 20% of our overall business!

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